Friday, June 28, 2013

Bhakti Sadhana

My last sadhana(practice) was amazing!  It was about strength.  I learned that being strong can sometimes create strong words and emotions, so a strong 30 day sadhana can create an imbalance.  This is why this last month's practice was so great!  I learned that while I am strong others are in a different place and feel things, such as words/emotions, in a totally different way than what was intended. 

These 30 day practices are what I love about my teacher Shiva.  She has designed these programs so we stay connected in our practice that we are nourished in a much deeper way than just on a physical level.  I am not saying that the physical side of yoga should be ignored, the asanas are there to serve us in creating new space in ourselves which in turn allows for a deeper understanding of our emotion/mental selves.  

My 300 hour Prana Flow training with Shiva was completed this past March.  I am now able to share her wonderful gifts to the masses.  I am going to start with a Bhakti Sadhana from July 1-31st.  I hope you will join in with me.  This 31 day practice is about love and devotion and it will embrace the heart space known as anahata.  All you need to do is allow ALL your thoughts and actions to be moved by love.  When they are not just remember to get back on the Love Train as soon as you can!

Love ALL Ways,