Sunday, March 20, 2011

Prana Shakti

While waiting for the stoplight to change to green this morning I look over to the truck beside me.  I had to smile because the gentleman was dancing in his truck.  He was so enthralled with his music that you could see the energy pulsating through him.  He was at that moment a beautiful expression of prana shakti~a creative pulse of life.  He might not have been the guy you would normally see dancing but there he was caught in a moment.  I love seeing this in people when the right music or moment comes and they can not contain themselves any longer!  What a fantastic treat to start my day.
We see this in children all the time....just turn on a dance beat and kids start moving.  Some where along the way to adultville we lose this connection.  So for anyone reading this blog my advice is to "Dance as if no one is watching!". 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Moving Forward

The clouds have moved away and I am so happy for the light that is shining into my heart as well as the fantastic sunshine we had today! 

This morning we did the agni namaskar practice.  It is all about burning away any funk you might be carrying around and it leaves you feeling clear and open.  Gotta love that clear and open feeling!  I am considering make the agni namaskar a one hour class.  We step into the fire together and rejoice when we make it through to the other side.  Bet you are wondering what the agni namaskar is?  It is a set of three rounds that involves 108 push ups.   Yes, I said push ups.  It will create some heat to purify anything that needs cleansing.  In the future if you see this on the class schedule you will know what it means.  You have been informed. :)

After class I had some great spa appointments.  I feel blessed that my spa clientele are more friends than clients.  I care for each one of them like family.  I look forward to each visit.  We get to talk about everything that is going on in their lives.  Thank you all for your love and support!

The big accomplishment of the day was I went on my first bike ride of the season.  I plan on riding the Big Dam Bridge 100(not sure if I will do 50 or 100).  Today was the first day of my training!  I love being on my bike.  I have been biking for a few years and it is such a joy when Spring comes so I can ride.  Perhaps, we will do a Cyclist yoga workshop before the ride since a few of you at the studio will be riding in this event.

All in all today was a great day!  I am so happy that whatever was arising the last week or so has moved on.  I love feeling more energetic and alive!  It feels more balanced and more like myself.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sorrowful Friday

Last Monday I started having this itchy throat.  Oh, I am starting to come down with something.  First thing I did was eliminate sugar from my food and I started drinking my veggie juices in a bigger abundance.  As the days past I still had this raw, burning throat.  It wasn't a big nuisance but it was just annoying me.  The week went on this way and I begin to think that it will clear up in a few more days as long as I eat more clean food.

Then this past Friday, March 11th, I did not want to remove myself from bed.  It was like I was glued to the mattress.  I had to get up because I had a list of clients to see at the spa.  So, I throw back the covers and I headed to the bathroom.  

As soon as I turned on the bathroom light I felt strange.  It took a few minutes to figure out that I was still half asleep but I felt this wave of emotion come over me.  The next thing I knew I was crying.  Why?  Why am I crying?  I did not know the reason and I knew I had to calm down so I could get ready for work.

After this first release I thought okay I can go start my day but then another wave hit me and then another.  Okay, I am not going to be able to go to the studio today.  I was about to call my first gal and tell her I needed to reschedule when something stopped me from picking up the phone.

I managed to make it to the studio with a calmer mind set.  My heart was feeling heavy and I still did not know the reason.  For those that know me personally you know it takes a lot for me to cry.  I have been working on opening myself up more when it comes to the physical shedding of tears but it has been a hard journey.  Please do not get the impression that I do not feel.  I do express deep connection to others and the World.  It is just that I have blocks when it comes to tears.

So, now I am waiting on my first lady and I am so happy to see her.  She has a lot to talk about and I listen.  Seems she is having a rough week and as I listen I realize I didn't pick up the phone to reschedule with her is because cosmically I knew she needed me here today.  Then I understood I needed her too.

Later I was feeling light and I felt that the crying was powerfully cleansing.  Crying is cleansing and I really should do more of it.  And you know what?  I woke up Saturday morning and the sore throat was gone.  Guess I needed to release the sadness that was welling up in me since Jacob left on Monday.  It just didn't dawn on me that I needed to cry out the sadness.  I really feel better now. :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

The New Normal

Today I was hearing a song in my head all day.  It is Bjork's, "It's, Oh, So Quiet".  This song really resonates with me today except for one phrase in the song.  If you know the song there is a phase; It's, Oh, So Quiet and then the riot begins.  Here is a link to the song in case you are not familiar with it.
Well, the riot is the part I will be missing in my life for the next eighteen months.

You see I awoke this morning to kissing my husband(the riot) goodbye for the next eighteen months.  He is moving to Monte Rey, California to study at the Defense Language Institute.  I am so proud of him and this is a big career changer for him.  It's just he won't be here everyday to be my comic relief and this is what makes my life, "Oh, So Quiet".

Plus, March 4th we disconnected the Dish.  Not only am I without his spontaneous dance moves and songs and jokes but I am without the only addiction I have.....TV.  For those out there I know personally I would guess that last statement about TV addiction might come as a surprise.  It's the only addiction I have. About six weeks ago I logged my TV watching hours and I was appalled to find that in one week I had watched 40 hours of the tube.  WHAT!? 

This lead me to my next sadhana(yoga practice) which was to detox.  With the New Moon approaching on March 4th I was without my addiction.  It was okay I thought I can handle this because my honey was still around.  With all the planning for his move we had been really busy and I did not have time to miss the TV.  Now that he is gone this will mark a new normal beginning in my life.

So, this blogging is going to be apart of my "new normal".  It will help build new neurological pathways for my brain so I am looking forward to this.  Plus, I will be even more focused when it comes to cleaning all the closets, and the garage and attic.  Any ladies out there know what I am talking about?  My husband seems to be a little spastic when it comes to organizing.  With him gone I can de-clutter the entire house.  I am actually really excited about these projects!

My new normal is starting right now and I feel lucky to have the opportunity to dive deep into my own head and shake things up a bit.  And of course there is still Netflix...... ;)